Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The story thus far....

What a year it has been! Our boys were born on May 24, 2007-ten weeks and two days early. It had been a complicated pregnancy-Baba had been on and off bedrest since January 2007. On April 24, 2007 (Lou's 37th birthday) Baba's water broke early, at only 25 weeks gestation. She was immediately admitted to the hospital and stayed there until delivery-four weeks later. The boys were admitted to the NICU right away. Since Truman (Baby A) had very little amniotic fluid, he had more trouble with his lungs. He was on a ventilator, and then oxygen for the entire stay. Spencer (Baby B) came home on August 4th-their original due date. Truman came home a week and a half later. They are now almost seven months old (five months adjusted) and are happily growing and thriving!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Welcome to our blog

Since our twin boys, Truman and Spencer, turned six months old last week, we figured that it is high time we started a blog! How else are family and friends going to get all the latest updates? We don't actually have time to pick up the phone....So welcome, and we hope you enjoy our photos, videos and musings on life with the cutest babies ever.